• iconNear Railway Station, Old N.H-8, Bharuch- 392001 Gujarat, India.
  • iconbharuchmkcc@yahoo.co.in
About us

Welcome to Mahamandleshwar Shri Krishnanandji College of Commerce, Bharuch

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Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal, with a deep commitment to enhancing education in Bharuch, laid the foundation of J.P. Arts & Science College in 1955 to provide higher education opportunities in the region. However, despite the presence of J.P. Arts & Science College, the management realised a significant gap in the region's educational ecosystem - the lack of commerce education. Students were compelled to travel to distant cities like Surat or Vadodara, causing formidable financial and logistical challenges, particularly for middle-class families. Addressing this crucial need, the Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal took a significant step forward and established M.K. College of Commerce on June 14, hotmail

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To impart higher education in Commerce with a view to creating skilled workforce for commerce and industry and encourage entrepreneur skills among students.To develop latent potentialities, trapped energies, suppressed initiatives and groom it, make it free and properly harnessed.To make students aware of the present glocal environments.To imbibe the spirit of harmony among youth.To prepare them to be the better citizens, full of confidence in order to earn their livelihood.To prepare them for challenges and nation building.

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To bring out well efficient and trained administrators, managers, accountants who can meet the new millennium challenges in the present market scenario and who can face competition in the glocal world along with the quality of entrepreneurship

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Letter of Appreciation

 Letter of appreciation given by  Principal Secretary, Department of Education, Government of Gujarat for  successfully organizing  Placement Fair 2021.


Miss Israt

 Miss Patel Israt Won Silver Medal in Inter College Karate Tourmament held at Surat.



Congratulations to Miss Dimpy H Patel

 Miss Patel Dimpy Hiteshbhai-  T.Y.B.Com Roll No 398  Won  Gold Medal in Shotput, Silver Medal in 50 Meter relay and Bronz medal in Long Jump at University Athletics Meet held at VNSGU. Congratulations 


Miss Surati Nensee obtained Medal in Volleyball Competition

 Miss Surati Nensee obtained  medal in Volley Ball Competition held during Army Attachment Camp at Gandhingar during  Dt. 01.05.2023 to Dt.14.05.2023


Rahul G Patil selected in University Lawn Tennis Team

 Rahul G Patil - Lawn Tennis player selected for West Zone National Tournament.


Vasava Anjali C Selected in University Athletic Team

 Vasava Anjali Chandrakantbhai F.Y.B.Com Roll No.711 has been  Selected in University Athletic Team


Vasava Anjali C obtained Gold medal in 800 Meter Running at 50th Athletic Meet

 Vasava Anjali C  of  First Year B Com obtained Gold Metal in 800 meter running event at 50th Athletic Meet held at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat 


Proud of M. K. College of Commerce, Bharuch

 Proud of M. K. College of Commerce, Bharuch 

NCC Cadet Priyanshu Beldar Secured Second Rank in Lead Climbing Mountain Tracking Camp at Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi during 13-07-2024 to 23-07-2024

Many Many Congratulations to Cadet Priyanshu Beldar.


આંતર કોલેજ કુસ્તી ભાઈઓ ની સ્પર્ધા

 માંડવી એજ્યુકેશન સોસાયટી દ્વારા તારીખ 27.9.2024 ના રોજ વીર નર્મદ દક્ષિણ ગુજરાત યુનિવર્સિટી, સુરત આયોજિત આંતર કોલેજ કુસ્તી ભાઈઓ ની સ્પર્ધામાં એમ કે કોલેજ ઓફ કોમર્સ ભરૂચ ના શ્રી રાજપુત માંગલ્ય અને અને શ્રી રાવલ કાવ્ય એ બ્રોન્ઝ મેડલ પ્રાપ્ત કરી કોલેજ નું ગૌરવ વધારેલ છે. કોલેજના આચાર્ય તથા સ્ટાફ દ્વારા તેઓને અભિનંદન પાઠવવામાં આવેલ છે.



Dr. P N Pastagiya Commissioned as a Lieutenant

 Dr. P N Pastagiya Commissioned as a Lieutenant


Patel Dhara Indrajit selected in University Cricket-W Team

 Patel Dhara Indrajit  selected in University Cricket-W Team



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